West Pharmaceutical Services, Inc.
West is a leading provider of innovative, high-quality injectable solutions and services. As a trusted partner to established and emerging drug developers, West helps ensure the safe, effective containment and delivery of lifesaving and life-enhancing medicines for patients. We are guided by our core values of Passion for Customers, Leadership in Quality and One West team and these value...
Organization Type
Manufacturer/InnovatorPackaging supplier/manufacturerDrug delivery device Supplier/Manufacturer
Business Activity
Contract ManufacturerLaboratory ServicesMedical DevicesPackaging & drug deliveryRegulatory Affairs
Company Certification
Markets Active In
OceaniaNorth America (USA, Canada)AfricaMiddle East Region (e.g. UAE)Central America (e.g. Mexico)East Asia (e.g. China, Japan, Korea)Europe - EU countriesEurope - non EU (e.g. UK, Russia, ex-CIS countries)South America (e.g. Brazil, Colombia)South Asia (e.g. India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka)South East Asia (e.g. Thailand, Philippines, Singapore)
United States
Product Category
Injectable systems and componentsPackaging AccessoriesWearable deviceInjectable containers / closuresInjection mouldingPrefillable syringePrimary PackagingPackaging Materials and EquipmentClosuresDrug Delivery Devices & SystemsSyringes/prefilled syringesVials / Cartridges / Ampoules
Service Category
Patient-centric solutionsContract Manufacturing ServicesMedical device contract manufacturing servicesMedical Device Design & Enginering Services