Datwyler Pharma Packaging Belgium NV
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Datwyler is a leading specialist for system-critical elastomer components and a key player in the global healthcare market. Our state-of-the-art solutions for drug packaging and medical devices, build on over 100 years of experience. Within our healthcare offering, we provide a unique range of products and services, including the most advanced elastomer formulations, coatings, aluminum seals, and processing technologies. With our global production footprint, we make an important contribution to our customers' reliable supply chain. Partnering with the world's top pharmaceutical and m...
Organization Type
Markets Active In
North America (USA, Canada)Central America (e.g. Mexico)East Asia (e.g. China, Japan, Korea)Europe - EU countriesSouth America (e.g. Brazil, Colombia)South Asia (e.g. India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka)South East Asia (e.g. Thailand, Philippines, Singapore)
Product Category
Injectable systems and componentsPackaging AccessoriesPrimary PackagingPrinting / Labelling / Leaflets, Safety, Secondary PackagingPackaging Materials and EquipmentMedical Devices and Medical PackagingPackaging Materials & ComponentsClosuresDrug Delivery Devices & SystemsParenteral ContainersSyringes/prefilled syringesVials / Cartridges / Ampoules