HAT(R)-B Handy Active Tube

HAT(R)-B Handy Active Tube

HAT(R)-B Handy Active Tube
HAT(R)-B Handy Active Tube
HAT(R)-B Handy Active Tube
HAT(R)-B Handy Active Tube
HAT(R)-B Handy Active Tube
HAT(R)-B Handy Active Tube
HAT(R)-B Handy Active Tube


HAT(R)-B Handy Active Tube is a groundbreaking addition to Colorcon's HAT(R) product range, revolutionizing moisture protective packaging for diagnostics, pharmaceuticals, and nutraceuticals. This innovative packaging solution reduces plastic waste while offering versatility in sorbent material options to meet a range of stability requirements for moisture protection. As the industry need for more sustainable packaging grows, HAT-B has been redesigned to reduce the amount of plastic usage. This environmentally conscious approach not only benefits the planet but also resonates with end consumers who prioritize eco-friendly choices. The packaging incorporates an adjustable sorbent system, allowing healthcare product manufacturers to customize the quantity of sorbent material based on the specific needs for their products. The sorbent adaptability ensures that the product remains in optimal condition, which is especially essential for moisture sensitive products such as probiotics and pharmaceuticals. The ergonomic design of the HAT-B container is engineered to meet the demands of the diagnostic, pharmaceutical, and nutraceuticals markets. • The flip-top cap offers ease of access, while maintaining an airtight seal to safeguard product integrity. •Strategic placement of the desiccant at the base of the tube, ensures it remains closest to the reactive components of test strips. Placement of the desiccant at the bottom of the tube provides optimal in-use efficiency, a crucial factor for product stability and accuracy of diagnostic strips. The HAT-B container is available in two configurations to meet different needs: a smaller version with dimensions of 30 x 53 mm and a taller one measuring 30 x 107 mm. Both configurations can be equipped with various sorbent materials, ranging from 0 to 4 grams. These options provide manufacturers and researchers with the flexibility to choose the ideal sorbent materials to suit their specific stability requirements.

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