Child Resistance Closures

Child Resistance Closures

Child Resistance Closures
Child Resistance Closures


As a responsible manufacturer & supplier partner to pharmaceutical companies, we take Child resistant Packaging very seriously. That's why our closures are provide maximum Safety to Children and same time, the packaging must meet the need of Senior citizen. Our closures meet these conflicting product requirements inequal measures, safely closed from small children & easy to open for senior citizen. Our child resistant closures are of two components, screw cap is interlocked with cover cap. The closure can only be twisted off the bottle by pressing and twisting at the same time. Simple and proven a million times over, the design has been tested for reliability in accordance to the guideline of DIN EN ISO8317:2015 and US Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) 16CFR1700.15 &16CFR1700.20.

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